Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading B: Ancient Egyptian, Part A

My first impression is Isis. She is very greedy and cunning. Because of her yearning to Ra’s power, she injured Ra, her ancestor, and tricked him to give the divine name in order to ease him from the pain. Yet, at the end, she still not gets the power she wanted. I think this is because Ra knew it was her who hurt him, but since he could not do anything at his weak condition, he gave in to her advance. However, he cursed her for losing her husband and the most power god as she dreamed.

I want to talk about how Ra punished Isis and Osiris for his suffer in snake bite. In addition, although Isis wants to have power, it was her husband, Osiris, and her son, Horus, who ruled Egypt. She would always be the helper and protector of the throne that she could never sit.
 The punishment’s plan is: Osiris is killed and scattered by Set. In order to recover the body, Isis has traveled throughout the land and hided from Set. In order to resurrect Osiris, she has to cry blood tear that flood the Nile, where Osiris’s body was scattered. After this event, her magical power is drained, and her power won’t be restoring within one year. Yet, the magical healing only last a year, and she has to do the same ritual to resurrect Osiris. Through this, Osiris cannot rule the land like Isis wanted, and she is too weak to rule. So, only her son Horus who can rules the land.

I think since Isis is a goddess and her tear is used to heal and resurrect Osiris’s body. The flood caused by her tear also replenishes the Egyptian soil. This agreed to the geological and historical event of ancient Egypt’s life.

Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie. Link to Part A

Isis and Osiris, Link

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