Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introdution to a Daydreaming Bookworm

Here, I want to tell everybody a little about myself. I am senior in Chemical Engineering. My current goal for this semester is to get a job offer in my hometown (I am a family girl. I don’t like to stay far away from my family.). I am taking Myth & Folklore course as a relax class to fill up required credits for this semester. In addition, my friend told me this class is very interesting if I like reading myths, folklore, and fairy tales.

My hobbies are reading books and watching TV. I am a bookworm, and I am a huge fan of fan-fiction. Since I am bilingual, I read books in both English and Vietnamese. My favorite online fan-fiction or book from online writers is Wattpad. If any of you like reading books with new genres, you should try this site. It has multiple languages that you can choose from. Currently, I am reading many books from Chinese authors. Of course, these books are translated into Vietnamese. Some of my favorite genres are fanfiction, time traveling, futurism, and myth/fantasy.  If I have a chance, I want to spend a whole day just reading my fanfiction.  As for watching TV, I like almost all genres except for horror and sad theme.

In one of my previous post, I mentioned that I like to travel to Japan, but I also want to travel to many other places like Egypt, Korea, China, France, Greek, and other European countries. The reasons I like these countries are mainly: 1) scenery, 2) food, 3) history. Some of these countries have very fascinated cultures, which shown in their mythology and beliefs. There was a time when I was crazy over mythology, and I read many mythical stories from Egypt, Greek, and China. Since I love fan fiction, I really want to incorporate my fantasies to the mythology of these countries (I am a Pisces, which means I daydreaming a lot). Thus, I am excited for this class. I hope you guys will enjoy my future stories and please give me feedback to help me improve further!

Library (Beauty and the Beast). Disney Wiki


  1. Hi! I’m Tisha! I’m a microbiology major, but Chemical Engineering sounds soo hard! I hope you’re able to get a job in your hometown! I don’t like being far away from my family either. It’s so cool that you’re bilingual! I took Spanish classes at OU but I never really considered myself fluent enough to be bilingual. I might try that Wattpad place and see if I can read in Spanish! I hope you’re able to travel to the places that you want to. It sounds like fun!

  2. Hi! I am so glad that there is another fellow engineer in this class! I agree with the fact of wanting to get a job close to home! I go home as often as I can so I don’t think I could make it moving away from my family for good! I think it is awesome that you traveled to Japan! I have never been to another continent before. What is your favorite story of mythology? I really love the picture that you picked for this post! My sister loves Beauty and the Beast so I have seen it a fair share of times!

  3. A fan of fan fiction: that is perfect for this class, Jennie! As you may have already figured out, the writing in this class is fan fiction but for traditional mythology, instead of fan fiction for modern movies, books, and TV shows. And yes, you can do ALL the time traveling you want in this class: bring stories forward, send yourself back — it's all possible! Just as an example, here is a Vietnamese Storybook project with the ancient stories entering into modern time (or maybe the modern characters are traveling back in time... it's all very mysterious!): Living in the Past: Tales of Ancient Vietnam

    And I am a Pisces too. That must be the secret sign of the daydreaming bookworms! And now you are a Pisces swimming in this beautiful orchid sea. Your blog template background looks really cool! :-)

  4. I have said many times to my boyfriend, this class reminds me of writing fan fiction for mythology and I love it. It is awesome that you like it so much. Also, it is really cool that you are bilingual. I'm pretty terrible at languages and often wished I had more dedicated to learning another one. I love your photo of the library from Beauty and the Beast, I am also a huge bookworm and Belle has always been my favorite. I am also forever jealous of that library! My booklist constantly seems to be growing, I am often sad about all the books I will be unable to read simply because there is not enough time in life.

  5. Hello. I am also an engineer, and this class has served the same purpose for me. It is a completely different pace than engineering classes. It is really nice to have this change of pace where we can be freer without having right and wrong answers. I am also currently trying to find a job in my hometown. I have some pretty good leads after the career fair week. Good luck to you.

  6. Hi! I love the title of this post. I think it's really cool that you are bilingual. I am always really jealous of people who are and I hope that one day I myself can be bilingual. Language is very important. I love to read on Wattpad as well, it's a cool app! Nice to meet you and good luck this semester!

  7. I can't imagine being an engineering major. I admire people that find passion in that line of work. I am also a bookworm, I enjoy reading a lot. I have once read 73 books in one summer. I took this class because I love reading so much. I think its awesome that you can speak two languages. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  8. Hey Jennie! I think it’s great you’re an engineer! I am also an engineer but I am mechanical! I think it is great that you like to read! It is also interesting that you are bilingual. Not the most common languages to mix either! I agree that sad movies and horror movies are horrible. I look forward to reading more of your work!

  9. Hello, Jennie. I am a family girl too. I want to return home and have fun with my family during weekends, but my duty to finish college comes first.

    It is awesome that you are bilingual and you can read in both languages. I’m bilingual too, but I don’t read as well in my native language. It takes me some time to read it. However, between my siblings and me, I believe that I am better at reading than them. Anyway, good luck in class!

  10. Hi Jennie! I, too, am really close to my family so because I am graduating in December, I am currently trying to find a job back in Dallas. I hope you are able to find a job near your family! It is really stressful. I am also a bookworm and I love watching Netflix. Anyways, I am really glad I got to read a little bit about you and I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future. Good luck with everything!

  11. Hi!!!
    I wish you all the luck in finding a job in your hometown! I think it is so cool that you are bilingual. I have been studying Spanish for 8 years now and still haven't fully mastered the language. I feel as if I need to move to a Spanish speaking country to truly grasp the language. I also want to travel the world. I have a Euro voyage in the works and plan on hitting as many countries as I can. Greece has always been one country, I have wanted to go to!
    Good luck and hopefully you'll get to travel :)

  12. Hi Jennie!
    I am also extremely close with my family. It's really cool that you're trying to find a job back home so you are closer to them! I have actually grown up near my family my entire life. I have lived in Norman since I was born and can't imagine moving away from them. ALthough it is going to happen soon since my boyfriend and I are moving out of state hopefully after graduation in May.. so I am a little nervous to be leaving them! Have fun with your adventures and I hope everything works out for you!

  13. Hey Jennie!
    I can definitely relate to you on wanting to return home after college. I have been missing my family a lot being a senior and knowing that next year I will have to be a real adult. I think that it is awesome that you are bilingual and read books in both languages. I speak Spanish, as well as English, and should probably try to read books in Spanish to improve my speaking. I love to read as well. I am a fan of basically all types of books and would love to have a day full of just reading. I look forward to reading some of your stories!

  14. Jennie,
    Nice to meet you! It sounds like you really love stories a lot, and this class sounds perfect for you! I know what you mean about staying close to family. My Dad is currently living in Ecuador, and I haven't seen him in a long time. It would be nice to stay close. I also love time traveling and futurism stories; they are some of my favorites. I do not speak any Vietnamese, but I truly love Vietnamese food! I could eat Pho and Bahn-Mi sandwiches all the time. I hope you get to travel to all of the places on your list. I love to travel as well, and I really enjoy seeing the different cultures and trying different foods. I look forward to reading more of your work!

  15. Hi Jennie, it very nice to see that you speak Vietnamese, such a nice language and culture. In fact when I was in 10th grade, I went on a school trip to Vietnam and it was one my best trips ever. I really loved it. Also, I am from France myself so I can tell you one thing, visiting France is a must! It was nice meeting you and I look forward to your future stories.

  16. Hey!
    I'm really impressed that you are going to graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering! It's really cool that you're looking for a job in your hometown. I am sure your family is so proud of you!

    It's very interesting that you are bilingual! I have always said that I want to learn a second language, I am sure that it opens so many doors for you!

    I can’t wait to read your stories!

  17. Hi Jennie! Wow, seems like everyone here is impressed with your desire to learn Chemical Engineering - I am too! My uncle is actually a Chemical Engineer, and he seems to really enjoy it (he makes REALLY good money too, hehe.) I also think it's incredible that you're bilingual! I wish I could speak German fluently, instead of struggling through a simple sentence. I think American schools should start teaching foreign languages at a much earlier age, and encourage them throughout a child's education. Anyway, nice to meet you!

  18. Hello! I love reading too. Any spare chance I get you can find me curled up reading a book. That is awesome that you are bilingual! Those are all things that I would definitely take into account if I was thinking about traveling somewhere too. They are very important to me. Especially food. I love going different places and trying all the food. Good luck this semester!

  19. Hello, I'm so jealous that you are bilingual. I've never been able to learn another language. Also I love your blog it's super cute. Also if you like futurism type books I don't know if you have heard of the lunar series. It's a fairy tale/sci-fi/futurism style book series that I think you would really enjoy. I feel you with the traveling. I love it and I hope you get to do it soon. It's a great experience.

  20. Nice to meet you Jennie! I think it is awesome that you want to visit all those places. I also want to visit many of them, but some of them I hadn't even thought about visiting. Now I am! I am a bookworm also. I could spend days holed up with a collection of books and be perfectly happy. Good luck in finding a job close to home! I hope you are able to. I hope you have a good break and enjoy the rest of your semester!

  21. Hi Jennie! I think that's great that you want to travel and you have a list of places to go. I would love to go to Greece, except the flight is so long...I've made it to London, which is 9 hours, but Greece is so much further. I hope you get to go to all those places soon! I highly recommend France and I think that the French countryside is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I wish I could go with you!

  22. Hi Jennie! Its so nice to meet you! Like you, I am also a bookworm! I think it is so cool that you choose to read books in two different languages! Depending on the language is there a genre you like better? If you like young adult or fiction and ever need a good book recommendation let me know! I really look forward to reading your work!

  23. I'm amazed I hadn't found your blog yet. I'm glad you like reading cause we've all had to do quite a lot of it in this class. I also really love mythology and read fanfic sometimes so I'll have to check out that site. I've actually been to Japan which is pretty cool. I loved it there except for the really harsh humidity in the summer. I felt like I was turning into a bog.

  24. Hi Jennie, I am a biology major so not quite as big time as chem E. Some of my favorite books have definitely been ones that people have recommended to me, so I will look at some of these books you mention. I'm on the same boat with reasoning to take this class. I have definitely had fun taking this class.

  25. My hobbies are the same as yours, but I haven’t tried Wattpad yet. I’ve got a friend who highly recommends it, so I’ll have to listen to you guys and check it out at some point. It’s so cool that you’re bilingual, too—I bet it’s interesting to see what quirks are specific to each language and which tropes transcend language barriers. Good luck getting a job in your hometown, and I hope you get to visit the places on your travel list!
