Monday, October 17, 2016

Reading Notes: Native American Indian Unit - Part A

I really like the story about the Bear-Woman and Deer-Woman.  The Deer-Woman’s children are very smart and quick-wit to find out that the Bear-Woman had killed their mother and took revenge for their mother.  I want to retell the story with more details and feeling instead of a general version like the original story.  In my version, I want to add that the Bear-Woman killed the Deer-Woman out of jealousy since their husband favors the Deer-Woman more.  She also intended to kill the Deer-Woman’s children, but they noticed of their mother is missing before she can harm them.  Although the Deer-Woman is dead, her head warns her children to be careful of the Bear-Woman, and they should hide away before their father comes home.  In Bear-Woman’s attempt to kill the Deer-Woman’s children, she mistakenly killed her children instead.  After she found out, she tries to hunt the Deer-Woman’s children before her husband returns.  In their run, the children were saved by the crane, who threw the Bear-Woman into the river.  After they return home, they meet their father and tell him everything.  The father then brings the Deer-Woman’s head to the village’s witchdoctor and asks if he can revive his wife.  Then, Deer-Woman is revived and lived happily with her family.

Bibliography. Stith Thompson.  Tales of North American Indian. Link

Deer Woman.  Link

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