I didn’t know Scheherazade has a sister. I think it will be interesting to tell Arabian Nights in her perspective, a listener. I want to tell the story why Scheherazade chose to be a bride of the sultan, not only because to stop the sultan’s killing act, but with her own intention, I plan to create a back story where Scheherazade has secretly love the sultan, but she was too young when the sultan got married.
I want to talk about how Scheherazade’s sister, Dinarzade, witnesses her beloved sister risks her life for love and to save the sanity of her loved one and the innocent people. I also want to talk about Scheherazade’s intelligence and how she comes up with the story to tell the sultan and stop at the story’s climax. I also want to focus on how sultan realizes his love to Scheherazade and stop his insane killing. I feel like all Scheherazade’s stories seem to have a theme behind, would it is a reflection of the sultan in the stories?
Bibliography: Andrew Lang's Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights. Link
I think your ideas for your story are great! I love the idea of hearing the story from a listeners point of view instead of being told by a narrator. I think that it is important to tell the back story of how intelligent she is and to show that she has to be quick on her feet and smart to keep the sultan fooled. I think it would also be cool to be heard from the sultan’s point of view too.