“Susanowo, we have to find a way to stop Celestial Mother, Izanami, from caring for the mortals. If this continues, who knows what she might do. Remember her power of giving birth to all immortals.” One of the immortal Gods persuaded Susanowo, God of Storm and Sea.
“What he said is right. Celestial Mother is very biased. Look at the power of light that she granted to Amaterasu, making her more important to than you in the eyes of mortal. Although you, Susanowo, are powerful, the mortals despise you.” Another God added.
Hearing these words enrage Susanowo, who does not have any calm temper. “Yes, you all are right. However, what can we do? Izanagi, the God of Sky, is too protective toward his wife, Izanami. We are not powerful enough to fight against him.”
“Since Izanami is so devoted to the lowly mortals, we can strip away her immortality and exile her to the mortal realm.” An immortal God mockingly suggested.
After the immortal Gods agreed to the plan, they waited for time where Izanami is alone and combine their power to destroy her immortality.
“Oh all my descendants, how can you all teamed up to hurt me, your Mother?” As her immortality stripped away and her power weakened, Izanami, the Goddess of Love, cried out in pain.
“Celestial Mother, since you love the mortals too much, why don’t you spend your life with them?” One of the immortal Gods laughed in satisfaction.
Vulnerable against the group of immortal Gods, Izanami lost and fell down to the mortal realm. She resided among the mountains, where she gave birth to the God of Fire. Losing her immortality, Izanami was deeply injured by the fire of the new God during the delivery process. Despite her dooming situation, she still worried that her new descendant’s power would ruin the mortal realm. She used the last of her power to give birth to the God of Water, telling him to use his power to tame his brother’s fiery power when it is out of control. After doing so, Izanami’s soul descended to the Yomi, the realm of underworld.
At the same moment, Izanagi returned and found his wife missing. He franticly searched for her in all the realms, and he met her in the Yomi.
“My dear Izanami, what had happened to you? Why are you in your spirit form wandering in the dark Yomi?”
Izanami wept in misery and told Izanagi of her downfall. “My great Izanami, please don’t waste your power to save me. You know so well that death is irreversible even for the Gods. Just forget me and live one with your life.”
“Remember how we met for the first time at the beginning of this world. Together, we created this world. You and I have been together for so long. You are a part of me. Without you, my immortality means nothing.”
“But there is nothing you can do, Izanagi.”
“Don’t worry Izanami. I swore with my power that the sky will only exist when there is still love in the world. With this oath, I split my immortality with you. If we exist, we exist together. If we have to perish, we will perish together.”
As Izanagi completed his oath, Izanami’s soul returned to the mortal realm, but she could not stay far away from the Yomi’s door and appear under the light. Hence, Izanagi and Izanami resided at the Isle of Ahaji, where was shadowed with eternal gloom.
Transient World and Netherworld. Link |
One day, Izanami consulted with Izanagi of her worries.
“Dear Izanagi, I fear that the immortal Gods will not stop after defeating me. I don’t know how they become so resentful toward the mortal. They told me that they will enslave the mortals. Now, you stayed with me in this place, there is no one to control them.”
“No worries, Izanami. I know what do to.”
Izanagi exercised his power as the father of the immortal Gods and the co-creator of the world.
“I, Izanagi, the God of Sky and Air, punished all the immortal Gods who teamed up of hurt their Celestial Mother, Izanami. Each of them will take turn to descend to the mortal realm and live as a mortal for one hundred years. If they don’t do so, they will lose their power and immortality. This is the punishment for their greed for power and selfishness.”
The world shook at Izanagi’s curse. The immortal Gods angered but they have to follow Izanagi’s words. However, they fear that other immortal Gods would hurt them when they descended to live in the mortal realm as the mortal. So, they made a pact that as long as there is an immortal God descended in the mortal realm. None of the Gods can enslave of hurt the mortal. Anyone who goes against this pact will suffer the same fate as Izanami and trap in Yomi forever.
Since then, the Japanese emperors were known as the Son of Heaven, indicating that they were the Gods who came down to mortal realm to endure the punishment of their greed and selfishness.
Author’s Notes
This is the first story in the Japanese Mythology Unit. In the original version, Izanami was exiled by the Gods for her love to the mortals. She died after giving birth to God of Fire and God of Water. Her husband, Izanagi, tried to save her, but there was nothing that he can do. So, he resided at the Isle of Ahaji while Izanami’s soul trapped in the Yomi. I admired the love between Izanagi and Izanami, and so, I want to write an ending where they can stay together. In addition, I’m very upset that the Gods who exiled Izanami did not get any punishment. So, I made up a punishment for them because these Gods were looking down on mortals, and so the worst punishment to them is to lose their power and live as the mortal who they want to enslave. I related the fact that the Japanese emperors claimed themselves as the Son of Heaven to indicate that they are the punished Gods.
Bibliography. E. W. Champney and F. Champney. Romance of Old Japan.